Festive season is on. Festival of Lights will illuminate our houses soon. And with the passage of time, it will land in memory. But some lights will never be put out, especially when it gets the rays of hope to others forever.
Way back to those days when the low marshy land of Dhanyaghori village of Arambagh sub division sometimes got under water while the harvest was about to be ripen. Thousands of people including laborers had been out of work. There was no work and therefore nothing went normal in day to day life. Education to children was a mirage. Women and aged elders were hardly cared for. The poor were blaming to their destiny.
But light came. Yes, in one’s mind. A farmer of around 35 years of age suddenly realized that he had to do something. His name is Sagar Pramanik son of late Panchanan Pramanik. He left home to join an NGO namely ‘Sadhina’ where training was given to helpless women to make them stand in their own feet. Initially he helped the management of this small but noble organization. Gradually he developed the skills and made some handcraft items by using Bamboo tree. He learnt that Bamboo made flower vas of Tripura had a good market. So, he started participating in the different fairs of Bhubaneswar, Sargachhi (Murshidabad), Bethuadhari etc. Before that, he earned just 100 rupees from his participation in the Ghatal Utsab –O- Sishumela. After five years he bagged 100000( yes, one lakh) from a single fair. Now, there was no about turn. He keeps moving on.
At present he prepared hand woven jute carpets, table mats etc. It has a huge market and that has been expanding rapidly with eco-awareness campaigning. Besides, raw jute is easily available from local farmers. He gets technical helps from Jute Corporation of India. He gives training and gets finished products from at least 200 families who are either working in his factory or in their own house. Women earn good wages even after discharging their household duties. Mr. Pramanik tells that his products are also exported. It helps local people to get work and at the same time jute is used in a financially sound way.
Experience says that many a people came and asked for bank loans. When they were asked whether they had had the adequate knowledge in the respective fields, they maintained silence. There are lot of scopes to get financial aid under ‘Atmasamman’ , ‘Atmamaryada’, USKP (Udiyaman Karma Sangsthan Prakalpa) initiatives of the State Govt. Even the IDO ( Industrial Development Officer) of each Block is ready to promote schemes under DIC (District Industries Centre), and Khadi & Village Industries, only a few people are found properly self trained and psychologically ready to win over their destiny.
Sagarbabu will be happy to help a willing entrepreneur if he/ she calls him at 95648 86713. His mailing address is- Mr. Sagar Pramanik, Vill- Dhanyaghori, P.O- Bandar, Dist- Hooghly, West Bengal.
May Festival of Lights really enlighten the needy this time.
Reports by- Bhaskar jyoti Bera